Aviation Dictionary
تکنیکی که هواپیما به سمت یک نقطه خاص هدایت می شود و هواپیما را در شرایط مختلف محیطی و جوّی با استفاده از منابع دیداری ، تصویری ، رادیویی ، راداری و یا موارد مشابه دیگر به سمت آن نقطه هدایت می کند.
A flight towards or away from a radio station while using direction finding equipment Example: Where an RBI is fitted, homing to an NDB can be made by initially turning the aircraft until the relative bearing is zero.
In simple terms ;The technique whereby an aircraft is directed toward a specific point, keeping the aircraft pointed toward the point by visual, radio, radar, or similar references.
Flying the aircraft on any heading required to keep the needle pointing to the 0° relative bearing position.