Aviation Dictionary
مربوط به عمليات هواپيمايي ميباشد و در آن مقررات بين المللي مربوط به نحوه كار شركت هاي هواپيمايي و نحوه استفاده از هواپيما از لحاظ عملياتي درج گرديده است . اين انكس داراي دو بخش است : يك بخش مربوط به عمليات شركت هاي هواپيمايي است كه در مقابل دريافت وجه بهره برداري مينمايد و بخش ديگرمربوط به عمليات هواپيمايي ميباشد كه جنبه خصوصي دارند و مجاز به دريافت وجهي براي حمل بار ومسافر نيستند
Operation of Aircraft
Related to aircraft operations, in which international regulations relating to the operation of airline companies and how to use the aircraft are operationally included. This annex has two parts: a section related to the operations of airline companies that oppose the receipt of fees, and the other part is related to airline operations that are private in nature and are not allowed to pay for cargo and traffic