Aviation Dictionary
فلز مس (cu ) با عدد اتمی 29 ، وزن اتمی 63.456 ، این فلز بدلیل شکل پذیری و انعطاف خوب و همچنین رسانایی عالی الکتریکی در ساخت کابلهای الکتریکی استفاده می شود.
A ductile, malleable, reddish-brown, metal. Copper's symbol is Cu, its atomic number is 29, and its atomic weight is 63.546. Copper is one of our most important nonferrous metals. It is heavy, ductile, and malleable and has excellent electrical and thermal conductivity. Copper is used as a pure metal and as an alloy for other metals. One of copper's widest uses is in the manufacture of electrical wire.