Aviation Dictionary
چراغ مخصوص تست پیوستگی مدارات الکتریکی ،
چراغی که در هنگام تست پیوستگی مدار الکتریکی در صورت درست بودن مدار روشن میشود
A simple piece of test equipment used to check an electrical circuit for continuity. A continuity light consists of a flashlight battery and a bulb, connected in series with test leads used to complete the circuit. The test leads are connected to the ends of an electrical circuit. If the circuit is continuous (there are no breaks, or opens, in the circuit) the light will illuminate. If the circuit is not continuous (there is an open, or a break, in it), the light will not illuminate. Continuity lights are sometimes called bug lights because they are used to find the bugs in a circuit. More elaborate continuity testers have buzzers in addition to the light. The buzzer allows a circuit to be checked without having to watch the tester.